Ä [11] TALK.POLITICS.DRUGS (1:375/48) ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ TALK.POLITICS.DRUGS Ä Msg : #5720 [215] From : Rex Kahler 1:2613/335 Tue 03 May 94 23:35 To : (crosspost 1) All Subj : Germany Legalises Marijuana ÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ From: dolphin@ziggys.cts.com (Rex Kahler) 619/262-6384 Organization: Ziggy's Den Of Iniquity, East of East SD CA } > Why subscribe to newspapers when you have the Internet? If we can help each here's one reason - culled from today's san diego union : Dear Abby : (xscribed wholly w/o permission - all typos mine) Dear Abby Attorney makes a case for legalization of drugs Dear Abby: I read the letter you published from "Inmate 711895" and had to respond. "Inmate" stated that he smoked marijuana for 20 years, and during that time, he also used cocaine. If his consumption of those substances was so harmful, how was it that he was married, had a good job, a home in the suburbs and a clean record? In other words, if used in moderation, drugs do not prevent a person from leading a normal, productive life. His letter was much more of an indictment against drug prohibition. His letter could have been written 65 years ago by someone convicted of selling beer ort whiskey. It took a commission headed by a fellow named Wickersham to bring an end to the folly of alcohol prohibition. Surgeon General (Joycelyn) Elders has called for a similar commission to study whether the benefit of some forms of drug legalization might outweigh the tremendous cost of prohibition. Abby, if cocaine were a drug sold by licensed dealers, Inmate 711895 would still be home supporting his family. -- Robert E. Pottratz, Minnesota Attorney Dear Mr. Pottratz: Just as bootleggers were forced out of business in 1933 when Prohibition was repealed, making the sale of liquor legal (thus eliminating racketeering), the legalization of drugs would put drug dealers out of business. It would also guarantee government- approved quality, and the tax on drugs would provide an ongoing source of revenue for drug-education programs. An added plus: There would be far less crowding in our prisons due to drug-related crimes. It's something to consider. ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** well - lookie here - if we can get "Dear Abby" to back re-legalization, we must be making incredible strides forward. i personally don't read her columns (but when a headline like this jumps out at you, ya gotta read it!), but MILLIONS of people around the world do read her, and they value her advice. by her saying "It's something to consider", i predict that one helluva lot more people will now do so - and since just getting people to break out of their wosd mindset and think about the situation is half the battle won, i think we should all write and thank her for her efforts. now if we can just get "Ann Landers" to jump on the bandwagon...... back beneath the waves D o l p h i n R e x /s\ --- * Origin: COBRUS - Usenet-to-Fidonet Distribution System (1:2613/335.0)